
Sunday, 28 December 2014

Weebly has Global Star Capital

See the Weebly blog of Global Star Capital

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

a>. “It is rewarding to travel and see that your work has helped keep our world a beautiful place” – Rich Cocovich | Global Star Capital | Global Star Capital

a>. “It is rewarding to travel and see that your work has helped keep our world a beautiful place” – Rich Cocovich | Global Star Capital | Global Star Capital

Friday, 21 November 2014

Monday, 3 November 2014

Fall is private investor hot time - Global Star Capital (Rich Cocovich)

Fall in the Northeast USA is the sign that deep pocketed private investors are in high season to fund projects. No person is more qualified to make that statement than Rich Cocovich of Global Star Capital 

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Global Star Capital reviews on Wordpress | Rich Cocovich Comments

Global Star Capital | Global Star Capital serves as a high-end consulting firm and intermediary for solvent clients to acquire the funding they need for their projects.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Consumer comments for Global Star Capital's Rich Cocovich

The world renown private funding intermediary that has assisted project principals in search of investment capital since 1991 is Rich Cocovich of Global Star Capital.  See Rich Cocovich as featured on LinkedIn here

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Small communities assisted by Rich Cocovich and Global Star Capital

See how the world's top consultant and intermediary in private funding of projects Rich Cocovich and his team at Global Star Capital assist small communities in 121 countries at this post:

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Moscow Russia Project Principals Engage Top Private Funding Intermediary Consultant Rich Cocovich

Global Star Capital has been engage by Russian project principals to acquire private investors for the building of multiple state of the art car washes. Rich Cocovich will handle the strategic planning. 

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

(Global Star Capital consumer comments) - Rich Cocovich

Consumer comments and customer reviews for Rich Cocovich of Global Star Capital 

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Niagara Ontario Canada - consumer reviews of Rich Cocovich (Global Star Capital)

Niagara Falls Ontario Canada is one the most beautiful places on earth. Rich Cocovich of Global Star Capital has serviced numerous projects on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls since 1991. Consumer comments and reviews of Global Star Capital and Rich Cocovich can be found at

Saturday, 19 July 2014

The review of Rich Cocovich of Global Star Capital - Stonehenge

See the Rich Cocovich review of the inner circle a Stonehenge as presented by Global Star Capital here

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Most Hip CEO - Global Star Capital's Rich Cocovich

Global Star Capital has the coolest CEO of any company. Rich Cocovich attended the major-league baseball All-Star game in Minneapolis Minnesota as a special guest. See the blog post here

Friday, 20 June 2014

Rich Cocovich reaches milestones

Global Star Capital's Rich Cocovich reached a milestone recently. Cocovich, the world leader in intermediary consulting for private funding projects, serviced clients in his 120th country since 1991.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

United Kingdom - Global Star Capital (Rich Cocovich)

Projects in the United Kingdom have been serviced by Global Star Capital since 1991. Rich Cocovich has traveled to the UK and met with all clients face to face.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Cocovich listed as most successful private funding intermediary - (Global Star Capital)

When money is sought for private projects, professionals who service the industry are needed and called upon immediately. The most successful private funding professional intermediary is Rich Cocovich of Global Star Capital.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Review: "Rich Cocovich made my project a reality"

Consumer comment on the services of Rich Cocovich of Global Star Capital: see Rich Cocovich and Global star Capital on slide share at this link

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Resort projects world wide - (Global Star Capital)

Solvent project principles worldwide engage the services of Rich Cocovich and his company Global Star Capital when needing capital investment funding. Since 1991 Global Star Capital has assisted clients in 120 countries and all 50 USA states. Richard Cocovich has met with every single client since the inception of Global Star Capital 

Monday, 12 May 2014

Global Star Capital reviews on Facebook

See why over 21,000 people from 120 countries follow Global Star Capital and their founder Rich Cocovich on Facebook at this link

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Hotel and Resort Projects bring in Top Financial Fund Raising Consultant - (Global Star Capita)

23 years ago Rich Cocovich never dreamed of being the world's most successful and in demand private funding consultant. Today Cocovich has met with clients in 120 countries in all 50 USA states. Rich Cocovich is the go to guy in private funding. Hands-down there is no more successful person, intermediary or consultant in the private funding consulting arena then Global Star Capitals founder Rich Cocovich

Friday, 2 May 2014

Washington DC - Projects and consumer comments for Rich Cocovich - (Global Star Capital)

Weekly travel world wide is the normal for the world's best private funding intermediary consultant Rich Cocovich of Global Star Capital "Thank you for aligning my family with private investment dollars Rich Cocovich" - Nathan Gardener 

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Customer reviews and comments for Global Star Capital

Follow Global Star Capital on Twitter here

Monday, 31 March 2014

Business funding for commercial or intellectual projects

When funding is needed for projects around the world, project principles flock to the services of Global star Capital led by famed entrepreneur Rich Cocovich  Project Princpals from 120 countries have engaged the services of Global Star Capital led by Rich Cocovich

[Rich Cocovich],[Richard Cocovich],[Global star Capital],[Rich Cocovich review],[Richard Cocovich review],[Global star Capital review], rich Cocovich, Richard Cocovich, Global star Capital, rich Cocovich review, Richard Cocovich review, Global star Capital review, Seed capital, seed funding, start up capital, start up funding, venture-capital, equity funding, venture funding, business funding, money for businesses, Rich Cocovich funding, Richard Cocovich funding, Global star capital funding, business lines of credit, private funding, Offshore funding, private banking, top intermediary, #richcocovich, #richardcocovich, #globalstarcapital, #topconsultant, Cocovich money, rich Cocovich money, Richard Cocovich money, global star capital money, Cocovich global star capital

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Private funding review is an information link provided by Rich Cocovich review of Global Star Capital 

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

(Rich Cocovich) - international business - (Global Star Capital Review)

International travel to 120 countries since 1991 has been the normal for Global Star Capital CEO Rich Cocovich Global Star Capital is the most sought after and successful intermediary consulting company in the world of private funding for projects. 

Sunday, 9 March 2014

(Richard Cocovich Review) - Charleston South Carolina USA - (Global Star Capital Review

Charleston South Carolina is one of the oldest cities in the United States. For over two decades, project principals in over 120 countries an major cities like Charleston South Carolina USA have engaged the services of Rich Cocovich and his firm Global Star Capital to assist them in their quest for private funding.  

Monday, 3 March 2014

Projects In San Diego California USA - (Rich Cocovich Review) - Global Star Capital Review

When the top projects need the best representation while searching for private funding, they turn to the expertise of Rich Cocovich and his 20+ years as the most decorated intermediary and consultant in the field. As the founder of Global Star Capital, Cocovich has game planned in person projects in 120 countries in the past two decades plus. San Diego California USA is one of the many examples in which Global Star Capital has thrived in representing the best project principals. 

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

(Rich Cocovich Review) - California Coastal Projects - (Global Star Capital Review)

The golden coast of California has been grateful to Global Star Capital and Rich Cocovich 

Saturday, 22 February 2014

(Global Star Capital Review) commercial property projects worldwide - (Rich Cocovich Review)

Commercial property projects worldwide have been serviced by the top intermediary firm in private funding, Global star Capital and founder Rich Cocovich, for over two decades. 

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Nassau Bahamas Projects - (Rich Cocovich Review) - Global Star Capital

Nassau The Bahamas is now booming once again thanks to many new expansion and resort projects. Global Star Capital is the world leader in intermediary consulting within the private funding arena and has serviced countless projects for the last 22 years worldwide including Nassau the Bahamas. Led by entrepreneur Rich Cocovich who founded the company in 1991, Global Star Capital has serviced and represented clients and 120 countries since inception of the firm. 

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Rich Cocovich - Clients world wide since 1991

Great testimonials for Rich Cocovich, founder of Global Star Capital and the world's elite intermediary in private funding can be seen here

Saturday, 18 January 2014

France and Global Star Capital

Projects searching for investment capital in France are on the rise. Many project principals since 1991 worldwide have engaged the intermediary and consulting services of the top firm Global Star Capital Rich Cocovich has met with every Global Star Capital client since inception of the company and it's protocol. Begin your relationship with Global Star Capital at the company's main website 

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

California United States - Global Star Capital Projects

Private funding for projects in California USA continues to shine in all sectors. In the past 22 years a large amount of project principles have turned to the elite services of Rich Cocovich and his top intermediary/consulting firm Global Star Capital to  soldify the private funding investment dollars needed to complete their goals. More example at 

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Bakery business funding

Bakery businesses are sprouting up again world wide. Funding and investment capital for bakery businesses can be obtained with the assistance of Global Star Capital and their CEO Rich Cocovich 20+ years and clients in 120 countries equals the most successful intermediary firm in private funding

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Indiana Pennsylvania United States - famous people

Jimmy Stewart was a famous actor who won the academy award. He was born in the small town of Indiana Pennsylvania United States. Other famous people born in Indiana Pennsylvania USA are Jim Nance, former pro football player and Rich Cocovich, creator of Global Star Capital which is the world's largest reaching intermediary and consulting firm for private funding of projects covering 120 countries.