
Thursday, 22 May 2014

Review: "Rich Cocovich made my project a reality"

Consumer comment on the services of Rich Cocovich of Global Star Capital: see Rich Cocovich and Global star Capital on slide share at this link

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Resort projects world wide - (Global Star Capital)

Solvent project principles worldwide engage the services of Rich Cocovich and his company Global Star Capital when needing capital investment funding. Since 1991 Global Star Capital has assisted clients in 120 countries and all 50 USA states. Richard Cocovich has met with every single client since the inception of Global Star Capital 

Monday, 12 May 2014

Global Star Capital reviews on Facebook

See why over 21,000 people from 120 countries follow Global Star Capital and their founder Rich Cocovich on Facebook at this link

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Hotel and Resort Projects bring in Top Financial Fund Raising Consultant - (Global Star Capita)

23 years ago Rich Cocovich never dreamed of being the world's most successful and in demand private funding consultant. Today Cocovich has met with clients in 120 countries in all 50 USA states. Rich Cocovich is the go to guy in private funding. Hands-down there is no more successful person, intermediary or consultant in the private funding consulting arena then Global Star Capitals founder Rich Cocovich

Friday, 2 May 2014

Washington DC - Projects and consumer comments for Rich Cocovich - (Global Star Capital)

Weekly travel world wide is the normal for the world's best private funding intermediary consultant Rich Cocovich of Global Star Capital "Thank you for aligning my family with private investment dollars Rich Cocovich" - Nathan Gardener