
Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Richard Cocovich - WS

Here is the WS site for Richard Cocovich, the world's most successful private funding intermediary and consultant

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Pebble Beach California Global Star Capital

One of the most beautiful places on Earth is Pebble Beach California USA. Global Star Capital and it's founding executive Rich Cocovich call
call Pebble Beach and Carmel their West Coast USA home. Global Star Capital led by Cocovich is the only intermediary consulting agency in private funding to service clients in over 115 countries. If you are serious about receiving high dollar investment capital, turn to Global Star Capital for the results needed as no other entity on the planet can service your project similar. 

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Indiana Pennsylvania USA - Rich Coovich

Indiana Pennsylvania USA is the home town of the famed actor James "Jimmy" Stewart, an Oscar Winner and know for such movies as "A Wonderful life". Another home town Indiana Penmsylvania USA son is Global Star Capital founder Rich Cocovich and 

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Carmel By The Sea - Global Star Capital

Carmel-By-The-Sea is one of the many world wide meeting points between Rich Cocovich of Global Star Capital and the firm's clients. Cocovich is by far the most successful consultant and intermediary in private funding. Clients in nearly 120 countries since the early 1990's have engaged his services to expedite private funding for their projects. 

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Portsmouth New Hampshire Projects - Rich Cocovich

Rich Cocovich has serviced many projects in Portsmouth New Hampshire in the past decades. Cocovich is the founder and President of Global Star Capital, the worlds most successful intermediary and consulting firm in private funding since 1991 with clients spanning 119 countries to date. 

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Western Pennsylvania projects engage Global Star Capital

Several new projects based in Western Pennsylvania have engaged the services of the world's leading private funding consultant and intermediary Rich Cocovich and his firm Global Star Capital in the last month. See more at 

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Rich Cocovich is the top private funding intermediary

Check out this informative link for Rich Cocovich accomplishments